2003 Pie Contest Report

ShockerDave and his son show off their cherry pie baked by AFL's Pie Goddess, Traci.
Well, the results are in. Dave's Mom baked a Pecan Pie and an Apple Pie. That's right. No pumpkin. No cherry. Two exotic pies by our scoring standards. Dave was as surprised as anyone, and became so desperate that he resorted to reading off pies from a list, rattling off guesses so quickly it was impossible to write them all down. He actually went past one correct answer (apple) and had to back up, and needed a hint ("Think nuts") to get pecan.
Once again it was exciting counting the pie utterances at home. I was psyched that Paul got in several pie utterances, and even Tom Arnold had two. We counted a total of 43 pie utterances throughout the show.
We received over 100 entries in the Pie Contest this year. Two people correctly guessed both Pecan and Apple, Lighthousecreations (Jim), and ShockerDave (aka Run26Dave), scoring 12 points each, so we had to go to the tie-breaker. ShockerDave guessed 53 pie utterances, and Lighthousecreations guessed 7, so ShockerDave wins the tiebreak by coming closest, and is declared the 2003 Grand Champion. Lighthousecreations is the Runner-Up. AFL's own Steve31415 earns an honorable mention for correctly guessing 43 pie utterances.