The Pie Machine 314159

The modern Pie Machine 314159, November, 2010
The Pie Machine 314159 is a state-of-the-art virtual pie-baking machine running sophisticated Mathematica software. It has been programmed by our staff of highly trained mathematicians to bake virtual pies specifically for the AFL Dave's Mom's Thanksgiving Pie Thanksgiving-Pie-Guessing-Contest.
The PM314159's programming enables it to make a random choice of pies from its vast database of recipes, a process we refer to as baking virtual pies. If it is necessary to go into Sudden Death Pie Overtime, the PM314159 will bake additional virtual pies as needed. Refer to the Pie Guessing Rules for details. Note that the PM314159 is allergic to Pumpkin and Cherry, and will not virtually bake those flavors.
An early model Pie Machine, c. 1993
The PM314159 has also been programmed by our Chief Mathematician to emit Pie Utterances. It will speak the word "pie" a number of times determined from a randomly chosen sequence of digits of the number Pi.